What we do
We’ve been providing services to the Irish and wider community in Leeds for over 25 years.
Whether you’d like an excuse to get out more, help with form-filling or more specialist unemployment, bereavement or mental health support, we can help. From outreach support to our Cara (Friends) project to regular Luncheon Clubs and Tea Dances, there’s something to help everyone feel more connected at Leeds Irish Health and Homes.
We’d also love to see you at one of our events celebrating our distinctive Leeds Irish culture and community – St Patrick’s Day is top of the list, of course, but there are plenty of other things going on throughout the year.
To find out more about our mission to connect people through care, culture and community (and the odd cup of tea) email info@lihh.org or telephone 0113 2625614.
For information on all our services please email info@lihh.org or telephone 0113 2625614