Whenever people who use our services tell us what an impact this is having on their lives it is important that they know we are listening. Whether this is is positive or showing ways we can improve is immaterial.
Being heard and acknowledged is a very powerful experience. Our service users tell us this all the time.
So when someone asks us to share their feedback publicly we are more than happy to oblige.
We've known Tom for a long time at LIHH. Some of us knew him long before that. A man of immense intelligence, wit and wisdom, Tom has regaled us with tales of his life, his trials and tribulations and humbled us along the way with his philosophies and humility.
Tom's never made light of the challenges he's faced. He's faced adversity many time in his time, but he remains pragmatic...........simply trying to take life in his stride and constantly worrying about how he can make life better for his fellow humans. He is a real inspiration to us.
He wrote us this letter and asked that we share his respect for what we do. So we thought we would share our respect for him right back.
Go raibh maith agat Tom