The charity Fréa is reaching out to survivors of Mother and Baby Homes or County Homes.
Fréa brings together three independent, long-established Irish charities in the North of England, Leeds Irish Health and Homes, Irish Community Care Manchester and Irish Community Care Merseyside. Patrick Rodgers from Fréa works specifically with former residents and family members to offer assistance with and information about:
- The Birth information and Tracing Act 2022, which provides right of access to birth certificates, early life information and tracing family
- The payment scheme opening in 2023 for mothers and children who have lived in these institutions
- Counselling
Many thousands of men and women are eligible for redress, many of whom are in Britain.
There will be an information session in the O’Meara Suite at Leeds Irish Centre on Tuesday 11 April, starting at 6pm.
If you spent time in one of these institutions, are supporting someone who did or might end up supporting someone in future, we look forward to seeing you there.
Tickets available here - however, this is really to gauge attendance. All welcome, with or without a ticket.
If you're unable to attend the event, feel free to contact Patrick on 07432 138682
or email p.rodgers@irishcommunitycare.com for more information.