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Researching the needs of Survivors of Mother and Baby Homes Institutions in Ireland 1922-1998


There has been a great deal of concern over the last 30+ years in relation to those vulnerable people who came through the institutions in Ireland especially the industrial schools and the laundries. Recent scandals have focussed on the Mother and Baby Home Institutions.

The Irish Government has rightly acknowledged the reparation due to people who were at their most vulnerable in institutions that paid little heed to these facts, instead seeing them as chattels or even worse, mere objects to physically or sexually abuse.

Many people in Ireland during that time made for new lands when they left these institutions. A great many settled in the UK and made lives for themselves, often taking on the 'shame' themselves instead of having any support to contextualise their degradation or seek justice from those who had carried out the abuse.

For some, life following these experiences has lead to ones of enormous pain and suffering. Ruined relationships, self-harmful behaviours and poor mental health.

LIHH alongside it's partner organisations within Fréa (Irish Community Care and Irish Community Care Manchester) often provide support to people who may have been through institutional care. Many do not divulge this information for many reasons. Many keep this so deeply covered.

We would however like to understand further what we can do to reach out more effectively to people who might require our support. With the aid of funding through the Irish Government's Emigrant Support Programme we are launching a research project to help us achieve this aspiration and are looking for a key person to lead on this.

If an opportunity like this interests you please click here for further information.


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